About Us
People & Careers
At Scotch, we strive to be an ambitious learning community where all are known, nurtured and challenged.
We seek to know people. Being a part of Scotch is not being anonymous in the crowd, it is being a part of our community.
We use data and analytics to start conversations, recognise individuality and use feedback loops to inform our next steps as teachers, mentors, colleagues and as a school.
We want to nurture people. Being a part of Scotch is to experience growth. Our structures allow people to flourish as learners, professionals and humans, and that growth is our measure of success.
Nurturing people means that our best tomorrow will be better than our best today.
We endeavour to challenge people. We create environments of high challenge and low threat, where people can learn about themselves with support and safety nets.
We ask difficult questions and seek diverse solutions because critical thinking, ethical reasoning and empathy for others are important measures of our success. Challenging people is the business of learning and growing.
We are an employer of choice and a leader in innovative and genuine people practices. Here at Scotch you will find a supportive, collaborative and professional working environment where innovation, collaboration and creative thinking are celebrated.
Scotch is an equal opportunity employer, and we value and promote equity and diversity.

Pre-Service Teacher Education Scholarship
Beginning in 2025, Scotch is offering four scholarships (one each in our ELC, Junior School, Middle School, and Senior School), open to pre-service teachers enrolled in the final year of a Bachelor of Education program or a Masters of Teaching. The scholarships include guidance from a teacher mentor, one day per week at the college and a $10,000 (gross) stipend.
We are highly committed to training and developing pre-service teachers. Through our scholarship program, we provide a nurturing environment where aspiring educators can flourish and hone their craft. Applications open in September each year.
No current vacancies
Temporary Relief Teaching
Scotch College is currently accepting Temporary Relief Teaching (TRT) applications for all areas of the College. Please note that the application process varies for different areas of the College.
Early Learning Centre: Please contact Mrs Nici Slack, Director of Early Years via email (nslack@scotch.sa.edu.au) with your letter of application and CV.
Mitcham Campus (Reception to Year 6): Our Junior campus uses Class Cover to book reliefs. Sign up with Class Cover, then register your interest in Scotch College Junior School. Once complete, contact our Deputy Head of Campus, Mr Jake Stewart (jstewart@scotch.sa.edu.au) with your letter of application and CV.
Torrens Park Campus (Years 7 to 12): Please contact Mr Sam Prior, Daily Coordinator via email (sprior@scotch.sa.edu.au) with your letter of application and CV.
Working at Scotch
The Co-curricular Program at Scotch is an integral component of our educational offering. It is an expectation that all teachers contribute to the program.
All people employed by the College must be eligible to work in Australia. Teachers must hold current registration with the South Australian Teachers Review Board (TRB). All staff must hold a current Department of Human Services Working With Children Check (WWCC).
In the interests of the principle of ‘no surprises’, please make sure you include the following statement at the end of your CV as to whether there is anything at all that may come to light about you that could reasonably be expected to cause concern for the College. False information may result in withdrawal of any offer already made.
I can confirm the accuracy and integrity of this application. I can confirm that there are no current or historical matters that would undermine the confidence of an appointment within the College.
Scotch College is a child-safe organisation and committed to the safety and wellbeing of children and young people. we undertake appropriate screening and suitability assessments to determine the commitment of applicants to supporting child safety and wellbeing values in practice. Our Screening and Suitability Policy is available here.